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Heidi Klum Ditches Her Bathing Suit Top For The Weekend

Heidi Klum and her husband Tom Kaulitz have put their Coronavirus fears behind them and are embracing the good life. After the couple feared they may have contracted the deadly virus, but tested negatively,  they have been sharing more photos and videos where they put their love on display. Some have been asking if Heidi Klum is pregnant but she hasn’t confirmed or denied the rumors. Now, Heidi is going viral after sharing a photo album with her 7.4 million Instagram followers where she sunbathed topless with Tom Kaulitz. Judging by the look of her in the new pictures, she doesn’t appear pregnant at all.

Heidi is always fresh-faced and in the photos she was makeup-free. She will celebrate her 47th birthday on June 1, and the mother of four is aging beautifully. The photos showcase the love between Heidi and Tom who have been married for one year as their anniversary was on February 22, 2020. Clearly, they are still in the newlywed phase of their relationship and the photos are a sweet testament to their love.

In the topless photo, Heidi covered her modesty with her hands and smiled at the camera with her long, blonde hair piled atop her head in a tumbling tower of messy tendrils.  She captioned the series of photos with the following.


The first sun-drenched photo featured Tom and Heidi kissing. You may see the full photo album that Heidi shared below.

Meanwhile, Heidi has been promoting the May 26, 2020, premiere of America’s Got Talent that now has the best tagline — The Show Must Go Online. Heidi had been filming America’s Got Talent when she fell ill and worried she had contracted Coronavirus. She had been sick home with a fever and chills but still tested negative for Coronavirus.

As social distancing rules continue to be enforced throughout the country, much of Hollywood has shut down and only shows that it can continue in a viable manner while social distancing have remained current. Fans are excited to see the America’s Got Talent premiere. You may see a video that Heidi shared about the show below.

What do you think about Heidi Klum’s latest photos? Are you looking forward to the America’s Got Talent premiere?


Charisse Van Horn is a freelance writer from Tampa Bay. She enjoys writing about celebrities, entertainment, and fashion. Any reproduction of this article outside of Celebrity Insider will be met with legal action by the writer.
