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Height, Weight, Age, Family, And Biography

A comprehensive biography, "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" provides a detailed overview of the renowned actress's life and career. This biography covers her physical attributes, including height and weight, as well as biographical details such as age, family, and the milestones of her acting journey.

This type of biography serves as a valuable resource for fans, researchers, and anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of Kristin Scott Thomas's background and contributions to the entertainment industry. It offers insights into her personal life, professional achievements, and the impact she has made on the world of cinema.

The concept of a "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" has evolved over time. Initially, such biographies were primarily print-based and focused on providing factual information. However, with the advent of the internet, online biographies have become more interactive, incorporating multimedia elements and offering a more comprehensive and engaging experience for readers.

Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography

The essential aspects of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" provide a comprehensive overview of the renowned actress's life and career. These aspects include:

  • Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
  • Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)
  • Age: 62 years (as of 2023)
  • Family: Married to Franois Olivennes, three children
  • Date of Birth: May 24, 1960
  • Place of Birth: Redruth, Cornwall, England
  • Nationality: British, French
  • Occupation: Actress
  • Years Active: 1985-present

These aspects offer insights into Kristin Scott Thomas's physical attributes, biographical details, personal life, and professional trajectory. Her height, weight, and age provide a physical description, while her family and date/place of birth shed light on her personal background. Her nationality highlights her dual cultural identity, and her occupation and years active indicate the longevity and success of her acting career.

NameKristin Scott Thomas
Height5' 10" (1.78 m)
Weight132 lbs (60 kg)
Age62 years (as of 2023)
Date of BirthMay 24, 1960
Place of BirthRedruth, Cornwall, England
NationalityBritish, French
Years Active1985-present


Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)" provides a physical description of the renowned actress. It offers insights into her stature and may have implications for her roles, public perception, and overall life experiences.

  • Physical Description: Kristin Scott Thomas's height of 5' 10" (1.78 m) places her above average in terms of female height. This physical attribute contributes to her overall appearance and can influence the types of roles she is cast in.
  • Acting Roles: Her height may have influenced the roles she has played throughout her career. Taller actresses are often cast in roles that require a commanding presence or physicality, such as period dramas or action films.
  • Public Perception: Height can play a role in shaping public perception of an individual. Taller women are often perceived as more confident, assertive, and successful.
  • Personal Experiences: Kristin Scott Thomas's height may have influenced her personal experiences in various ways. For instance, it could have affected her self-perception, interactions with others, or even her choice of romantic partners.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" provides a multifaceted perspective on the actress's physical attributes and their potential implications for her career, public image, and personal life. It highlights the complex interplay between physical characteristics and an individual's overall identity and experiences.


Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)" provides insights into the actress's physical attributes and their potential implications for her health, lifestyle, and overall well-being.

Body weight, when considered in relation to height and other factors, can be an indicator of overall health and fitness. For instance, individuals with a healthy weight are generally less susceptible to certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

In Kristin Scott Thomas's case, her weight of 132 lbs (60 kg) suggests that she maintains a healthy lifestyle and takes care of her physical well-being. This is particularly important for actresses, who often have demanding schedules and roles that require physical fitness.

Moreover, Kristin Scott Thomas's weight may also influence her personal experiences and self-perception. For example, individuals who are within a healthy weight range tend to have higher self-esteem and body confidence.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" offers a glimpse into the actress's physical attributes and their potential implications for her health, lifestyle, and personal well-being. It highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy weight for overall health and vitality.


Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Age: 62 years (as of 2023)" provides valuable insights into the actress's life journey, career trajectory, and personal experiences. It serves as a significant marker of her growth, achievements, and the evolving nature of her life story.

  • Milestone Achievements: As an actress, Kristin Scott Thomas's age signifies years of dedication, hard work, and accomplishments. She has witnessed significant milestones in her career, including award-winning performances, critical acclaim, and international recognition.
  • Maturity and Experience: With age comes maturity and a wealth of life experiences. Kristin Scott Thomas's age reflects her growth as an individual and an artist. She brings depth and wisdom to her roles, drawing upon her personal experiences to create authentic and nuanced performances.
  • Changing Roles: As an actress, Kristin Scott Thomas's age may influence the types of roles she is offered. With increasing maturity, she may transition into more complex and character-driven roles, where her age and experience add authenticity and credibility to her performances.
  • Personal Growth and Evolution: Beyond her professional life, Kristin Scott Thomas's age is a testament to her personal growth and evolution. It highlights her resilience, adaptability, and ability to embrace new challenges throughout her life journey.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Age: 62 years (as of 2023)" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" offers a multifaceted perspective on the actress's life and career. It encompasses her achievements, maturity, evolving roles, and personal growth, highlighting the dynamic and ever-changing nature of her life story.


Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Family: Married to Franois Olivennes, three children" provides insights into the personal life and relationships of the renowned actress. It highlights the importance of family in shaping her identity, values, and overall well-being.

Kristin Scott Thomas's marriage to Franois Olivennes, a French gynecologist, has significantly influenced her life and career. Their union has provided her with a strong support system and a sense of stability. The couple has three children together, who have brought immense joy and fulfillment to Kristin Scott Thomas's life.

Moreover, Kristin Scott Thomas's family has influenced her choice of roles and her approach to acting. She has often drawn inspiration from her personal experiences as a wife and mother to create authentic and emotionally resonant performances.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Family: Married to Franois Olivennes, three children" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" offers a glimpse into the personal life and relationships of the actress. It highlights the importance of family in shaping her identity, values, and overall well-being.

Date of Birth

Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Date of Birth: May 24, 1960" holds significant importance in establishing the actress's identity and life journey. It serves as a chronological marker that anchors her personal and professional milestones, shaping the narrative of her biography.

Kristin Scott Thomas's date of birth provides a foundation for understanding her age, which is a crucial component of her biography. Age plays a pivotal role in shaping her career trajectory, influencing the types of roles she is offered and the experiences she has accumulated over time. Her age also offers insights into her personal life, such as her marriage and the birth of her children.

Moreover, Kristin Scott Thomas's date of birth can be used to contextualize her life events within the broader historical and cultural landscape. By placing her biography within a specific time frame, it becomes possible to explore the social and cultural influences that may have shaped her experiences.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Date of Birth: May 24, 1960" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" serves as a vital component that anchors the narrative of the actress's life journey. It establishes her age, provides a historical context, and allows for a deeper understanding of her personal and professional experiences.

Place of Birth

Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Place of Birth: Redruth, Cornwall, England" holds significant relevance in shaping the narrative of the actress's life and career. It serves as a geographical and cultural anchor that provides insights into her identity and experiences.

Kristin Scott Thomas's birthplace has played a formative role in her upbringing and early life. The cultural and social environment of Redruth, Cornwall, during her childhood and adolescence undoubtedly influenced her values, beliefs, and aspirations. The region's rich history, natural beauty, and close-knit community may have contributed to her sense of self and her connection to her roots.

Furthermore, Kristin Scott Thomas's place of birth can be seen as a symbol of her British heritage and cultural identity. It is a reminder of the cultural and historical influences that have shaped her life and career. Her birthplace provides a tangible connection to her past and serves as a constant reminder of her origins.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Place of Birth: Redruth, Cornwall, England" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" offers valuable insights into the actress's background and the factors that have influenced her personal and professional journey. It highlights the importance of place and culture in shaping an individual's identity and experiences.


Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Nationality: British, French" holds significant relevance in shaping the narrative of the actress's life and career. It serves as a dual cultural anchor that provides insights into her identity, experiences, and global appeal.

Kristin Scott Thomas's dual nationality reflects her unique upbringing and the diverse cultural influences that have shaped her. Born in England to British parents, she moved to France at a young age and later married a French gynecologist. This bicultural background has given her a deep understanding of both British and French cultures, which is evident in her acting style and choice of roles.

Her British heritage has instilled in her a sense of tradition, wit, and elegance, while her French upbringing has brought a touch of sophistication, sensuality, and intellectualism to her persona. This unique blend of cultural influences has made her an international star, equally at home in both British and French cinema.

Kristin Scott Thomas's dual nationality has also influenced her personal life and worldview. She has a deep appreciation for both cultures and is fluent in both English and French. She often speaks out about the importance of cultural diversity and understanding, and she has been involved in various initiatives that promote cross-cultural exchange.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Nationality: British, French" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" offers valuable insights into the actress's background, experiences, and global appeal. It highlights the importance of cultural heritage in shaping an individual's identity and career, and it serves as a reminder of the richness and diversity that can come from embracing multiple cultures.


Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Occupation: Actress" stands as a central pillar, shaping the narrative of her life and career. It encompasses a myriad of facets that contribute to her identity, experiences, and public persona.

  • Range of Characters: As an actress, Kristin Scott Thomas has portrayed a diverse spectrum of characters, from iconic literary figures to complex contemporary women. Her ability to embody a wide range of emotions and experiences has earned her critical acclaim and accolades.
  • Acting Process: Her approach to acting is characterized by meticulous preparation, deep emotional immersion, and a commitment to authenticity. She draws inspiration from her own life experiences and observations to create nuanced and believable performances.
  • International Recognition: Kristin Scott Thomas's talent has garnered global recognition. She has starred in both British and French films, and her work has been celebrated at prestigious international film festivals.
  • Social Commentary: Through her acting, Kristin Scott Thomas often addresses important social issues, such as feminism, mental health, and the human condition. Her performances provoke thought and challenge societal norms.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Occupation: Actress" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" serves as a multifaceted lens through which we can explore her artistry, personal journey, and contributions to the world of cinema. Her dedication to her craft, versatility, and commitment to social commentary have solidified her status as one of the most respected and celebrated actresses of our time.

Years Active

Within the context of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", the aspect of "Years Active: 1985-present" holds significant importance in understanding the trajectory of the actress's career and her contributions to the entertainment industry. It encompasses a multitude of facets that shed light on her longevity, versatility, and enduring impact.

  • Longevity: Kristin Scott Thomas's career spans over three decades, a testament to her dedication to her craft and her unwavering passion for acting. Her ability to sustain her success over such a long period is a remarkable achievement.
  • Versatility: Throughout her career, Kristin Scott Thomas has showcased her versatility by taking on a wide range of roles, from period dramas to contemporary thrillers. Her ability to transform herself into diverse characters is a hallmark of her exceptional talent.
  • Critical Acclaim: Kristin Scott Thomas's performances have garnered critical acclaim, earning her numerous awards and nominations. Her consistent delivery of high-quality work has established her as one of the most respected actresses of her generation.
  • International Recognition: Kristin Scott Thomas's work has gained international recognition, with her films being screened at prestigious festivals worldwide. Her global appeal is a testament to her ability to connect with audiences across cultures.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Years Active: 1985-present" in "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography" provides a comprehensive overview of the actress's remarkable career. Her longevity, versatility, critical acclaim, and international recognition solidify her status as a true icon of the entertainment industry.

In exploring the multifaceted dimensions of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", this article has shed light on the intricate tapestry of factors that have shaped the life and career of this renowned actress. From her physical attributes to her personal relationships and professional journey, each aspect contributes to the rich narrative of her biography.

One key insight that emerges is the interplay between Kristin Scott Thomas's inner and outer qualities. Her physical characteristics, such as her height and weight, have played a role in the types of roles she has portrayed, while her personal experiences as a wife and mother have influenced the depth and authenticity of her performances. Moreover, her dual nationality and years of experience have granted her a unique perspective and versatility that have made her a beloved figure in both British and French cinema.

As we reflect on the significance of "Kristin Scott Thomas Height Weight Age Family Biography", it serves as a reminder that our identities are shaped by a myriad of factors, both personal and external. Kristin Scott Thomas's journey inspires us to embrace our own unique qualities and to pursue our dreams with passion and determination. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of art and the enduring impact that individuals can have on the cultural landscape.

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